Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"The Poor Cannot Wear Couture," According To "Scream Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     This was the central message of last night's episode, delivered, of course, by Emma Roberts as Chanel Oberlin.  I cannot say I agree, though there are some who should not wear such.  But it has more to do with class and bearing than financial solubility.

                                      Also, the Red Devil is still stealing the show.  He seems to be popping all over the place, in various guises, to keep us guessing who the killer actually is!  But mark my words, darlings, I am convinced it is Jamie Lee Curtis!!!!!!!!!!!  Think of the irony--the show's title and the killer turning out to be one of filmdom's most noted Scream Queens!  What could be better than that?????????

                                       Talk about not wearing couture, Lea Michele exemplified that!  Her makeover was a failure!  Put the neck brace back on, and stop reducing her to a fifth rate Rachel Berry!  Who was third rate, on "Glee!"

                                         Besides, which she is so damn ugly!  And untalented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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