Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ralph Lauren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What Are We Going To Do??????????????????????????

                         Girls, I swear to God, I almost burned my throat, swallowing my coffee this morning, upon discovering that Ralph Lauren--my own personal designer!!!!!!!!!--is stepping down as CEO!!!!!!!!!

                            I mean, what am I going to have to do? Start wearing Kenneth Cole? or Karl Lagerfeld?????????

                              For decades, I have perused clothing racks in stores, especially Lauren's creations, waiting to hear that distinctive voice in my head, which says, "Michael, look what I have created for you," which tells me exactly what to buy!!!!!!!!!!!  And my choices have always been satisfying, tasteful and elegant!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                But, now all that is to change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And who is this  Stefan Larson?????????  Some Swede thing who was once an H and M exec, and former president of Old Navy!!!!!!!!!!!!  Old Navy??????????  Do you think I would wear any of that crap????????  Doesn't this Larson guy realize he is stepping into the world of haute couture??????????  Or is he going to bring it down to the level of the lower middle classes???????????

                                I know Ralph is going to stick around. I hope he is not ill!

                                But, my God, does ANNA  know about this??????? Someone call her, at once!!!!!!!!!  What is going to become of fashion??????????  What do you think New York City is run on??????????????????

                                 Save us, ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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