Sunday, September 6, 2015

Girls, You Simply Have Got To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Having broken the piggy bank to see "Fun Home"--and not regretting it for a second--my beloved and I resigned ourselves to not seeing "The King And I."  But a fortunate job perk netted me two free tickets this past Thursday night, and so it was two on the aisle!

                                 And what a night!  Bartlett Sher's production of thus classic has all the sumptuousness required, and the performers bring a fresh take to their roles, not to mention you will hear one of the best scores ever written sung by some of the most gorgeous voices working on Broadway!

                                  I mean, when Ruthie Ann Miles, who won a TONY for her Lady Thiang, sings "Something Wonderful,' she is dramatically electrifying!  And Ashley Parks, as Tuptim, is wonderful on "We Kiss In a Shadow," and the gorgeous "I Have Dreamed," but, I am telling you, when she holds that last note on "My Lord And Master," as the music rises--oh, my God!  Theater queens will die and go to Heaven, over this!  I know I did!

                                     But wait! There's more!  Jose Llana, as the King, marks the first time I have seen and heard anyone other than Yul Brynner do the role!  He is fabulous, bringing a fresh take to the role, one that shows the emotional struggle of his cultural conflicts, and his relations with his subjects and Anna!  Speaking of Anna, Betsy Morgan, who stepped in for Kelli O'Hara, swept through the show like she owned it.  When she got to, "I've been in love like you," in "Hello, Young Lovers," I knew the show was in very capable hands, and I began to weep, as I did through much of the show.  Speaking of weeping, girls, and swooning, wait until you see gorgeous Conrad Ricamora as Lun Tha, and hear his gorgeous "I Have Dreamed!"  Oh, my God!  There was not a dry eye in the house!

                                      "The Small House Of Uncle Thomas" was brilliant, and reminded me how much I miss ballets in Broadway musicals of today.  And how well acted, in a dramatic sense this show is!  And how Rodgers and Hammerstein's shows were so well structured; I can see traces of "Carousel" and "South Pacific;" even "The Sound Of Music," in this!

                                         Oh, and of course, "Shall We Dance?' stopped the show!!!!!!!!!!  As it is expected to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         When this production opened, I was like "been there, done that!"  I even felt that way walking into the theater!  But I left dazzled in every way.  This is "The King And I" to see for today's generation, presented in all its scenic, vocal and dramatic glory!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Kudos to all!  And congratulations, Betsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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