Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lee, Where Are You??????????? We Have GOT To Have Lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Having "Grey Gardens" a lot more on my mind these days has also made me think about Princess Lee Radziwill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   It has been ages since we've talked, Lee, so how about lunch???????  Yes, I have heard reports of you suffering from Alzheimer's, but nothing that confirms it for me.  You are from heartier stock than that, and I want to talk to you about two people from that stock--Big and Little Edie Beale!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Just love those Beales, Lee!!!!!!!!!!  What were they like?  How I admire their freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We have simply GOT to catch up, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            But where?  It's your call, Lee, but to help things along, may I suggest Sarabeth's, at 1295 Madison?????????????

                             Inquiring minds want to know, Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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