Friday, September 25, 2015

I Did Not Know Plum Sykes Had A Sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let Alone A Twin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Who can forget Plum Sykes, darlings?  I loved her book, "Bergdorf  Blondes," as well as "The Debutante Divorcee."  She taught me all I know about Bellinis and the importance of getting a hair appointment with Ariette.

                                  But Sister Lucy is equally stunning.  And nothing is stopping these gals, in both the fashion and literary worlds.  Lucy, with Jo Piazza, has written "The Knockoff," which you will hear more about from me, tomorrow.  I just wanted to introduce Lucy to you--no the sisters are NOT related to Bill Sikes; the spelling is different, and, besides, the Sykes girls are real!

                                   And wait till you  hear how real the book gets!   It practically mirrors my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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