Friday, September 25, 2015

Kudos To Kevin Moon Loh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             They must be a nice bunch, over at "The King And I."  It shows in their work, the most vocally enchanting Broadway has heard in ages.

                               Kevin Moon Loh is an ensemble member, and understudies the role of Lun-Tha!  Bet he can do an impressive "I Have Dreamed."

                                 Even more impressive is what took place at the September 23 matinee, when, during several emotional scenes, including Tuptim's whipping--which gets to me, darlings!!!!!!!!!--an autistic child reacted loudly and viscerally.

                                   Instead of dissing the mother for bringing the child, he dissed audience members and others with the attitude that such disabled people should be excluded from attending public performances, like theater.  Good for you, Kevin!  The Raving Queen commends you.

                                      Recently, my beloved and I were at a show--was it "On The Twentieth Century????" where a mother/grandmother brought her obviously special needs relation to the performance.  Not wanting to distract us, she had the young man sit on the aisle, so that he, and we, could all enjoy the show.  Which we did.

                                        I would never think of excluding anyone from a performance, unless for rudeness.  And what that autistic boy was doing hand nothing to do with that, but with  his individuality.

                                         I am so glad Kevin Moon Loh took the high road!

                                          The theater is, indeed, for everybody, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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