Thursday, September 17, 2015

"I Just Want To Go Back To Being Kendra Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Well, she may, darlings, but does anybody else?

                                   After telling us all summer that "The devil has eaten your soul!," now she just wants to go back to being Kendra?  What does that mean?  And is she a proper role model for anyone?  I hardly think so!

                                    Kendra Wilkinson strikes me as some piece of Wrong Side Of The Tracks trash, who clawed her way out of there by using her body and her wits. She has no social connections, like the Kardashians, so she does not even have that to stand on.

                                    The executives who work in Reality TV must be dumber than their network counterparts.  For a cheap piece of tail like this, they make her a media figure???? At least, Deborah Norville had some college and professional credits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Frankly, I couldn't give a shit about Kendra Wilkinson.  Instead of trying to reinvent yourself, or return to whatever that original self of yours was, dear, why not just crawl back to the trash hole you came from, and stay there!

                                         Then, we can rest easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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