Thursday, September 17, 2015

This Bitch Is Bird Brained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The common question always went, "Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?"

                            With the Bitch Of The Week column, the answer can be just about any of those, or anything else, and this week's winner comes as close to these areas as one can get.

                               The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is the Pterodactyl From The 1933 "King Kong."

                                This bird is no "Rodan."  "Rodan" had class. First, this bird poops all over the place.  Imagine, getting hit with THAT from the sky!  You think it is bad in New York?  Try Skull Island!

                                 What an upstart this bitch is!  Horny Kong has gotten Fay Wray to his lair, and is giving her the once over--watch it, those fingers!!!!!!!!!--when this thing swoops from the sky to take it away.  I mean, what is this bird going to do.  It's like when Larry King suggested to Liza Minnelli that he send a twat to Mayor Koch.  Liza just said, "Oh, darling, he wouldn't know what to do with it!"  Neither would this bird!

                                    The cheek of this creature!  But Kong fixes him!  He keeps Fay to himself!

                                     After Kong gets through with this bitch, it is "Bye, Bye, Birdie!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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