Thursday, September 10, 2015

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!! A Christmas Horror Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girls, I Can Hardly Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               When I was in second grade, there was this paperback book I enjoyed reading again and again, for one particular reason.  It was about Dutch folklore and culture, which fascinated me, and my favorite section concerned the Holidays.

                                   Now, December 5 is the night of St. Nicholas (Americanized to Santa Claus, just like Godzilla came from Gojira, with the date changed to coincide with Christ's birth).  On this night, he visits good children, accompanied by a little Moor assistant, and knocks on children's doors, and gives them presents. However, he is often accompanied by his evil counterpart, Krampus.  In the book I grew up with, Krampus was depicted as a black, hooded figure, like the Grim Reaper, or the Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come in "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol."  He carried with him a stick, and a bag, in which it was said he would often beat, then carry off, bad boys and girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              With the upcoming film, to be released on December4, 2015--three weeks before Christmas, just in time for the Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--it is anyone's guess as to how Krampus will be depicted.  My guess is they will go full force, depicting him in a variety of forms, all the more horrific.  I cannot wait!

                               The plot concerns a dysfunctional family, snowed up for the Holidays, who lose the Christmas spirit, especially the young boy, thereby enabling Krampus to be summoned and wreak havoc.  

                                 Christmas horror movies are always welcome, from "Black Christmas," to "Silent Night, Deadly Night."  "Krampus" will, hopefully be a worthy advantage to this pantheon, entertaining both Christmas and horror fans everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                           Isn't Krampus just the cutest, here, darlings????????  It should be a VERY Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. IMHO the single best "dark" Christmas movie ever made was the 2010 Finnish epic "Rare Exports" - a film so off-the-wall it could ONLY have been made by Finns (of which my entire circle was once comprised).

    It takes the common cultural myth of a "Krampus" and runs with it like Bruce Jenner at the 76 Decathlon: "Rare Exports" has to be seen to be believed. Coming from Finland, land of the pathologically depressed, the film dispenses with even the slightest encouraging nod toward Santa having any interest in whether the kids are good or bad: the point is, Santa himself is evil incarnate- he exists to abduct and murder children. Period, end of motivation.

    Of course, American greed for natural resources is the trigger in this story: their blasting in a mountain on the Finnish/Russian border breaks open an ancient prison that restrains the immense Santa demon. It does take awhile for Santa to thaw out, but his evil minion elves soon spew from the mountain to prepare mayhem. The elves are naked, intense, creepy old men who remain eerily silent throughout the film: one of its most effective elements.

    I was so glad my Finnish pals urged me to see "Rare Exports" during its brief run at IFC: it works best on a big screen, which showcases the desolate mountain scenery in a manner akin to the opening moments of "Sound Of Music".


  2. This sounds like a film I have got to see. I thought I was the only one who knew about Krampus, but you knowing does not surprise me, and David says his mother, who was from Vienna used to tell stories about Krampus! I can't wait!

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  4. Thanks for the info! I will check it out!

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