Thursday, September 10, 2015

This Is A First For This Column!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         For those of you who have been following Bitch Of The Week, every Thursday, there have men, women, children, popes, wannabe religious figures, and all sorts of things on here, but this  is the first time that a business actually gets named. The establishment, located in Washburn, Tennessee, is the Amyx Hardware And Roofing Supplies Store.  It wins this week;s coveted Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, with Jeff Amyx, the owner, named Honorary Bitch!

                          What this store is doing is advertising homophobia.  Mr. Amyx, supposedly a Baptist minister, has on distribution a set of hats and bumper stickers with slogans like "No Gays Allowed," or "Choose God, Not Gays."  So, does that mean, in his parlance, it is OK to choose Satan over gays?

                             This is just perfect in the face of the Kim Davis media frenzy. What I want to know is how is Amyx going to spot the gays that walk in.  First of all, with this attitude, does he think he will get any gay customers?  And if someone who is HAS to go there, are they expected to walk in with their BARBRA albums or CD's, to identify themselves.  Personally, I think more impact would be made if they had the balls to dress as Liza or Lady Gaga.

                               You know what Amyx' answer to all this is?  "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."  That one predates Cain and Abel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I am telling you, for all the elegance of the South that I adore, it is getting a bad rep by Davis and Amyx.  This bitch deserves to be closed down, and run out of business.

                                 And, if he keeps it up, he will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Congratulations, Amyx Hardware And Roofing Supplies!  You are the first business to be named Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well, of course! I wondeer what Jewel would have to say about the South today, if she were alive?

  2. She would say "Go away from me! I'm ill;I'm very....ill!
