Monday, October 5, 2015

How Could I Have Missed Jason Danieley At Feinstein's 54 Below???????????????

                                   It kills me having to say that name.  But so be it.  Jason was on there, Friday night, and if I had known, I would have gone to see him. First of all, darlings, this guy has a VOICE.
I mean, not since the days of the late David Carroll have I heard such a sound. When he sang the role of Enoch Snow in the Philharmonic "Carousel," not only did he sound great, he was the hottest looking Mr. Snow I have ever seen. No wonder, Carrie, played by my favorite, Jessie Mueller, wanted to marry him!!!!!!!!!!!  And when the two of them did "When The Children Are Asleep," I just melted over the brilliance of their rendition, one of the best I ever heard of that lovely song.

                                   So it does not surprise me to hear that Jason wowed everyone the other night. But I am reaching out to my girls, and to Sister Camille, to pray for Jason, and, of course, his lovely wife, the talented Marin Mazzie. She is struggling with ovarian cancer, and while the prognosis is hopeful, I am sure this is one experience the Danieleys, especially Marin, could do without!!!!!!!!!

                                    I send out my prayers too, and am optimistic that the future will shine bright for them. But, honestly, I need to know the next time Jason is there, so I can go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And, boy would I love to study voice with him!!!!!!!!!  But how would I keep my eyes on the music????????????

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