Monday, October 5, 2015

Didn't You Just Love Hillary Clinton, On "Saturday Night Live?????????????"

                             Girls, I always believed it was just a matter of time before Kate McKinnon, who so brilliantly and comically portrays Hillary Clinton, and the real First Lady appeared on camera.  And, this past Saturday night, they did.

                               Hillary has got to love Kate doing her. She is hilarious. And Hillary's performance as bartender Val, who may or may not also be a ghost, allowed her to show a comic side, coupled with a healthy dose of warmth.

                                 Yes, dears, she IS human. And not afraid to show it.  Take a look at the clip below!!!!!!!!!

                                  Darrell Hammond also made a cameo as Bill, but I think it would have been better--not that I do not love Darrell--if the REAL Bill had appeared in this sketch.  Just this once.

                                     It was fabulous.  I can just picture Kate and Hillary meeting for breakfast the next morning at Sarabeth's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Which is something I have got to do, one of these days!!!!!!!!!!!!

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