Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Thank God Experimental Theater Still Exists In This Town!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As long as youth prevails, so will unlimited creativity and the kind of experimental work that, at times, produces genuinely great theater.  "The Birds And The Bees, Unabridged," which I saw this past Sunday at The Tank, is more a theatrical piece than a conventional play, though it has a solid beginning and end. What falls in between examines issues of all sorts of sexuality, even the idea of sexuality itself, or being asexual.  In that sense, Maggie Keenan-Bolger (yes, of that amazing theatrical family!!!!!!!!!!) and Rachel Sullivan manage to cover a lot of ground and examine issues not always explored in more commercial ventures--and in just an hour and twenty minutes!

                                And before you think this is going to be SO depressing, let me tell you, it's not. The bedroom sketches, between Holly Sansom and her bed mate are cute and humorous.  There is even a musical number which sets everyone's skills off to remarkably potent effect.

                                  Miss Sansom is luminous.  She has a fresh naturalness on stage that gives off the aura of being completely comfortable there.  She shines in every moment she is in.

                                    The cast is superb, especially the two older women, and the girl who plays Joanne, who is extremely moving in the work's opening and closing scenes.  It is difficult to single players out, as the casts change on different nights, and the whole thing is unified it is truly ensemble work.  My guess is this production allows for no egotism backstage.

                                      On stage, everything is smooth.  Kudos to Holly, Maggie, Rachel, and the entire company for a superb theater piece that engages the mind, as it entertains.

                                        And how often do we see that these days, darlings?????????????

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