Sunday, October 4, 2015

One More Thing About The Pope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Let's talk about the Pope and Kim Davis!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As much as I despise the Kardashians, I would rather have had him visit her, instead of that Annie Wilkes clone, Kim Davis!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But did it happen?  My first thought was it was right wing set up by the Vatican, to curb the Pope's forward thinking liberalism!!!!!!!!!!!  More than likely engineered by that Opus Dei crowd!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Now, the Vatican is denying she actually met the Pope, but just saw him, same like the other crowds.  I am not so sure Vatican officials are in sync with this forward thinking Pope, but I can tell you, Kim Davis is a media whore, and her calling the Catholic church "the Whore of Babylon," and saying the Pope thinks her stand is great is just a lot of self-proselytizing on her part.

                                    My belief, and I think Sister Camille would agree with me, if she could, was that the Pope would not meet with such a nut!  As stated previously, he was not allowed not to have  any fun, anyway, so why would he want to make things worse by meeting with a grotesque creature, like Kim Davis???????  A tramp with multitudes of husbands, and children, and who derides what the Pope represents??????

                                     I think Kim Davis is her own church, and very shortly you will her and her minions start one!  Just what we need!  Another right wing faction!

                                      You won't see me at THOSE services, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. At first the Vatican tried its usual stonewalling tactic of "never admit, never explain" but within 48 hours released an unprecedented TWO clarifications. I was rather amused that my theory about this whole fiasco proved to be 100% true: it was all the doing of the elderly pigheaded Papal Nuncio in Washington, who was a huge supporter of Benedict but utterly despises Francis' liberal leanings. While that cow Davis was in Washington to accept that dubious "award," the Nuncio conspired with her scummy lawyers to get her on a generic group invite list for a typical generic meet-n-greet with the Pope, both to embarrass Francis as a hypocrite and seemingly put the Church imprimatur behind Davis' "cause."

    The Nuncio was an arrogant fool who expected Francis to follow protocol and just suck it up. How this moron didn't understand "Frankie don't play that way" is beyond me: Francis was furious at being used, and when he found it was by one of his own inner circle he insisted on official clarification that he had no idea who the hell Kim Davis was, and his rosary gift and admonishment to "stay strong in her faith" was a rote thing he repeated with everyone in the group (who he just assumed to be yet another gaggle of self-important non-entities he had to be polite to on his way out of DC). The Nuncio figured he had nothing to lose, since he's months away from mandatory retirement, but he better plan on scrubbing toilets from now until he leaves. It was offensive for Davis to be there under any circumstances: the Apostolic cult she's a member of explicitly spews that all Catholics are devil worshippers, and the Pope is the embodiment of Satan on earth. This moron is such a dim bulb publicity whore, she couldn't even see the contradiction.

    The icing on the cake was the press release of Francis' earlier (and only) TRUE private audience: with a gay former student and his lover! Which pretty much took the wind out of the Machiavellian sails of the Nuncio and Davis' lawyer's exploitation scheme. Not that the loons who adore Davis will ever admit she was just a faceless twit in a crowd that was considered so generic, there isn't even any news documentation or photos of that receiving line- it was over in half an hour, doubtful if she spent 30 seconds with the Pope.

    I have no great love for Francis: his aggressive and sometimes ill-informed meddling in global politics is tacky at best and counter-productive at worst. But I appreciate his quick, savvy response to being used by reactionary homophobes to further their agenda.


  2. Amen to that! I wish Kim Davis would just go away, but, like I did, she is out to create her own fiefdom!
