Sunday, October 4, 2015

Poor Keira Knightley!!!!!!!!!!! Will She Ever Appear On Broadway Again??????????????

                         Here, Keria is finally making her debut on Broadway, (which should have been years earlier, in that London revival of "The Children' Hour" that never made it over here!!!!!) and she gets a heckler!  Is this any way to welcome an actress to the New York stage?

                           Thursday night was the very first performance of the Roundabout's "Therese Raquin," at Studio 54!  Yes, darlings, legit drama in a musical house once noted for Liza and drugs!!!!!!!!!

                             Keira had hardly begun her performance, when as obsessed man yelled from the balcony, "Keira, this isn't real!  Will you marry me?"  He also tossed an enormous bouquet of flowers on stage.  He must have good aim, to land them from the balcony!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                He was not sober, and in his fifties!  He must also live with his mother; that, and the fact that he  is obsessed with Keira Knightley to the point of pulling such a stunt, tells me he is most likely a big old closet case!  Or, at least one with issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Keira handled it with grace and aplomb.  I wonder what Patti would have done?  But, then, no audience member has ever proposed marriage to her!

                                    It's enough to make the poor girl flee to England, when this engagement ends!  The Brits must be laughing their heads off, over this one!

                                    Hayley Mills, don't be afraid to come and have tea with me!  Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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