Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Annual Signal The Year Is Slipping By!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       It happens every year, darlings, but I never thought it was this early.  September 30?  How can that be right?

                                        Last night, I took the subway stairs in Avery Fisher Hall, at Lincoln Center,walking down to get the Number One Subway down to 42nd Street.  As I walk through the tunnel to the station, I always peruse the posters advertising whatever attractions Lincoln Center is, or will be, offering.

                                         "The King And I" will be up as long as it runs. Then there are usually ballet and opera posters. But, last night, there it was.

                                             The poster advertising the annual Holiday presentation of "The Nutcracker."

                                               When I see that ad, as far as I am concerned, you may as well pack up 2015!!!!!!!!!!  It will begin performances before we know it.

                                                  This is one sign that can't be fought. Nor resisted.  I haven't been in several years, so I think my beloved and I are going to make a concerted effort to go.  I am not sure if he has seen it live, so he should experience the magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Who knows where the time goes, indeed!

                                                       Time to welcome Mother Ginger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. While passing Avery Fisher Hall, did you contemplate its upcoming, gag-inducing name change to David Geffen Hall? Egomaniacal little prick is "donating" (aka "buying a tax writeoff") huge amounts of money to slap his name on the Hall in perpetuity (they can never re-name it forever after). Lincoln Center has already cut a $15 million check to pay off the Avery Fisher estate for this debacle.

    I'd like to think the big bribe Geffen paid would be used sustain failing institutions like the ballet and opera, but that won't happen. Instead, his largesse and influence will just speed Lincoln Center's slow transformation into "Pop Music Hall Of Fame" (the odious "Rap Concerts" held in the plaza were canaries in the coal mine).

    Paris- gone. London- gone. Berlin- doomed. NYC- about to close the lights and lock the door. So much for the sophistication we aspired to as kids.


  2. Oh, honey, you said ir! David Geffe Hall, indeed! Seeing it the first time made me want to vomit! Brtween this, and the time I retire, Lincoln Center will be engulfed into an enormous sinkhole!!!!!!!!!!!!
