Friday, October 2, 2015

Today Is The Feast Of The Guardian Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  If you are born Catholic, darlings, you are assigned a Guardian Angel, to watch over you, during your time on Earth.  Think about it, girls; even Al Capone had one!

                                   Some have an easier time of it. Take Bernadette Soubirous. It must have been a breeze for who was watching over her.

                                      Does anyone still remember the prayer?  I do!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "Angel of, my guardian, dear.
                                        God's love for me has sent you here.
                                        Ever this day, be at my side.
                                        To light and guard, to rule and guide."

                                   But today all Guardian Angels everywhere get their due.  It is said we will not know who ours is until the Final Hour.  I want to personally thank mine right now, for carrying me through all the bad times---what a challenge I have been; especially during my 20's and 30's, oh my God!!!!!!!!!--and helping me to enjoy and be grateful for the good.  I sense the presence quite often, so this is something I firmly believe in.

                                    May we all return to that state of innocence, pictured above!

                                     And thank our Guardian Angels for helping us get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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