Sunday, October 18, 2015

This Guy Is More Than Bitch....He Is Scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Cindy Karlsen, second wife of Karl, was smart to get herself and daughters Erin and Katie away from this man.  It wouldn't be long before they became collateral damage, the source of a gravy train that Karl could ride to more money.

                          Which he did. back in 1991, in California, when his first wife, Christina, died in a fire, deemed to be accidental.  But was it???????

                             Karl and the kids left California, shortly after the fire.  He remarried Cindy.  What was not known, at the time, was that, days before the fire, Karl had taken out a life insurance policy on Christina, for over t hundred thousand dollars.  And guess who was the prime beneficiary?  Karl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Karl relocated to his hometown in upstate New York, not far from Syracuse.  But what no one knew was what an egotist, ne'er do well and pipe dreamer Karl was.  He had dreams of fame and glory, from a high end duck farm, to being featured as a star on the Food Network.  What a narcissistic piece of shit!

                                Christina was just 30, when she died.  I have to wonder about Karl.  He does not strike me as the literary or cultural type, but he sure lived by the philosophy of Vera Donovan, so brilliantly played by Judy Parfitt, in the 1995 (OMG!  20 years ago!!!!!!!!!!) film of "Dolores Claiborne"--"Sometimes, an accident can be an unhappy woman's best friend."  Of course, one could almost sympathize with Vera; she was unhappy, and with good reason.  Karl was not unhappy; he was just greedy!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                But, wait, it gets better!  Karl's eldest son, Levi, was a sweet, quirky young man.  Of course, when adolescence set in, Levi and Karl clashed; a teenager and control freak narcissist are just not going to get along.  So, Levi moved out, to start his own life, which included marriage, and two sweet daughters.

                                Karl needed money, so he got it from Levi.  How??? By going with the son to draw up a seven hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy, from which Karl benefited, of course, and 17 days later, Levi, in 2008, just 23, died.  The policy was purchased on November 3, and Levi died on the 20th.  Fast work, huh?
                                 You know how this scum killed his son???? By deliberately crushing a truck on his chest, and leaving him there to die!  Can you imagine?????????  At first, no one questioned a thing, though accidents seemed to happen, when Karl was around. If I had been Levi, I would have asked dad why he was naming himself the beneficiary, when it should have been Levi's daughters!!!!!!!!  Who, I hope, now with this bastard put away,  get that money.

                                    Smart Cindy started putting the pieces together, and got the kids outta there!  Fast!
Because, before long, Karl would come up with some need for money, and another cash cow would have to be done in!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Well, surprise Karl!  You won yourself a lifetime policy of imprisonment, where you belong!

                                         What a sick fuck!  A word to his inmates--don't get close with this guy?  Because you could be collateral!  I wouldn't put it past Karl to try and pull something off, from prison walls!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Burn, baby, burn, Karl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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