Sunday, October 18, 2015

When A Torture Chamber Can Be A Fun House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     The word is out on the street, girls--the Hotel Cortez on "American Horror Story was actually built as a torture chamber, by its owner James March.  He was brilliantly executed--no pun, darlings!!!!!!--by Evan Peters, in a role that clearly channeled  H.H. Holmes, said to be America's first serial killer.  I wonder about that.

                         I think Lady Gaga's Countess was, at one time, the wife who turned March in to the police.  She was born in 1904, and the Hotel was built in the Twenties (I think!!!!!!!!) so she could have been in on whole thing. Her favorite time was the late Seventies. Hmmmm............

                         When the episode started with her and the "Bell Song" from "Lakme" that we all know from British Airways commercials, I had hope, but once again, it was Sarah, Kathy, Denis, and now Peter, who came through.  I am getting tired of Lady Gaga's act fast!!!!!!!!!

                           Holden's sister found him with the other Blood Children; I want to know more about that.  Like how Holden got there, why, and who did it. I still say the guy operating the carousel was really Addiction Demon!!!!!!

                            And where was he, darlings??????????  Off finding fresh blood, I guess!!!!!!!  Speaking of fresh, what a pleasure to see Finn Wittrock as Tristan, who gets turned into a vampire , by the Countess.  Yes, he was in his underwear, but this time it was colored.  Ryan Murphy needs to know his fans like Finn in tightie whities.  And don't tell me they weren't around, back then!!!!!!!!!!

                            I am embarrassed that I, as a raised Catholic, have not connected aspects of the story to the Ten Commandments, which seems to be one of the show's gimmicks,  However, its biggest gimmick, Lady Gaga is not working, so they better bring on Jessica, or Christine Pedi, as Liza Minnelli, fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Wouldn't it be fun to visit this torture chamber, darlings??????????  As long as we are the ones NOT being tortured!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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