Saturday, October 10, 2015

This Should Be My Post Retirement Career, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      On Monday night, while attending Baayork Lee's gala for the National Asian Arts Project, where I was blown away by the classic number, "Hey, Big Spender," from "Sweet Charity," I got this brilliant idea. For my post retirement career, why not became a dance hall girl, like the ones in the show?

                       I don't know what venues this is practiced in, anymore, but, on the other hand, when I look at lists of jobs that are dying out, I have to be honest and say I do not see this one. Which tells me there is a definite need.

                        Sure, I might have to work some nights, but wouldn't I, if I were doing theater. Maybe I could get an afternoon gig to start, when I am training.

                          As for the song, well, I know it, lyrics and all.  I just need to learn the moves.

                          Bet those guys will spend a little time, with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           "Fun, laughs, good times," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Here is how it would go, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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