Thursday, October 8, 2015

You Better Listen To Jacinta!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Telling You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Jacinta Marto was born in the small Portuguese village of Fatima on March 11, 1910.  She died on February 20, 1920, barely making it to her tenth birthday. But she did more good than many who live longer.

                                        Jacinta was one of the three Fatima children--who beheld apparitions of Mary. the first being on May 13, 1917. With her was her brother Francisco, and her cousin, Lucy Santos.  Jacinta was the youngest of the visionaries.

                                          In the Spring of 1916, an angel visited them, consecrating them to the Host, and alerting them to the fact that the Lady would soon appear to them. Which she did.

                                            All children were present at The Miracle Of The Sun, on October 13, 1917.

                                            Jacinta was the holiest of the children, but she was human, too. She had a a tendency to sulk, and she liked to sing and dance, too.  During the Fourth Apparition, Jacinta was late in arriving. Mary did not appear until Jacinta arrived. She waited for her.

                                             Jacinta offered herself up the most for the conversion of sinners.  She bilocated her body; by prayer, and appearing before him, she guided a lost boy to his home, When she became ill, she took one of the operations without an anaesthetic, offering her pain up to God, and for the conversion of sinners.  She always wore a tight rope around her waist, which pressed into her skin.  She went without water on hot days, and gave food to the poor in her neighborhood.

                                              Jacinta knew the score, darlings!!!!!!!!!! She knew this is what you have to do to get to Heaven. Especially if you are a chosen visionary. But, what if you are not?

                                                 We can pay attention to those we love, and love them to our best, including animals, like Cujo.  You think it was easy for Jacinta?????????  It was not.  But she prevailed.

                                                     And you just ask Sister Camille D'Arienzo about Jacinta. I am sure she could tell you plenty. Wouldn't it be exciting if her (Sister Camille's) birthday was on the 13th of October, the day of The Miracle Of The  Sun????????????

                                                        How appropriate. One of the holiest woman now living on Earth, born on one of the holiest of days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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