Friday, October 9, 2015

Baayork Is A Genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               That would be Bayyork Lee, darlings, pictured center, in silver,and the original Connie Wong in "A Chorus Line," not to mention those spectacular leaps in "Promises, Promises," with whom my beloved and I dined at Donna McKechnie's 54 Below show, back in August!

                                Was that two months ago????????  How time flies!!!!!!!!!!   This past Monday, we were fortunate to attend Bayyork's show for the National Asian Arts Project, a fifth anniversary gala!!!!!!!!

                                  Held at the Skirball Center For The Performing Arts, down at NYU, I did not know what to expect, but, with Baayork helming it, I knew it would be special.  What it turned out to be was an extraordinary evening of musical theater, with present and past students--most of the performers were young!!!!--who emphasized Baayork's philosophy that they should be able to do anything, when it comes to musical theater.

                                  So, some very challenging, and classic material was thrown at them.  My personal favorites were "Turrkey L:urkey Time," and "Hey, Big Spender!" from "Sweet Charity."  But there was also a moving "Soliloquy" from "Carousel," staged with two Billys, a young girl who nailed "Dreamgirls'" "And I Am Telling You...." like it was nobody's business, but hers, and the best staging of "Food, Glorious Food" from "Oliver!" I have seen done on a stage--fast, furious, and flying.

                                  The finales were classics.  Act One ended with a moving "One Day More," from "Les Miserables," and Act Two, on a more moving, and communicatory note, "Carousel's "You'll Never Walk Alone."  True to form, when they got to "At the end of the storm, is a golden sky...."  I just lost it!!!!!!!!!  I sobbed through the whole thing!

                                  Kudos to all the  performers, who proved you don't have to be one thing or the other to do a particular role.  Kudos to Baayork and Richard Jay Alexander for staging, and to whomever helped choose the wide selection--how could I forget "Fiddler On The Roof?"-- that proved the point, and made for an extremely entertaining evening.

                                   Even more so, because I was on my third consecutive night of theater!  It does not happen often, darlings, but, thanks to Baayork, I perked right up!  I'd like to know her secret.   Especially when she danced a few moves in "It's Not Where you Start!"  When the balloon people came out, I was reminded that Baayork had been one of them in the original production of "Seesaw!" and she had been on pointe!

                                      We were exhausted, in a most satisfying way.  I cannot wait for next year, or whatever Baayork's next project is!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        We love you, Baayork!  Thank you for another fabulous evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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