Friday, October 9, 2015

Kevin Corcoran Is Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, This Makes Me Feel Old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The very first theatrical movie my parents ever took me to, was in 1960, when I was still five, I think.  It was at the R.K.O. State Theater in New Brunswick, and the picture was "Toby Tyler."  I was especially interested in it, because it had Mister Stubbs, a chimpanzee, and he was the film's drawing card for me, as I had this thing back then, about chimps, wanting to have one as a pet/playmate, as a result of owning some of the "Zippy" books.

                                 In fact, at the time, I never called the film by its correct title.  I always referred to it as "Mister Stubbs."   But, as I got older, and came into my own with film, I realized the the boy playing Toby Tyler was Kevin Corcoran, whom I had also sen as Jimmy Bean in "Pollyanna," with my role model, Hayley Mills!

                                So, when I heard of Kevin's passing, three days ago, on October 6, I immediately thought back to that time!  I was also astonished to hear he was only 66!  He died of complications from cancer--damn!!!!!!!!!--but throughout his life he worked in the business--behind the scenes. when he aged out of acting--and much of his work was for Disney, and in support of the organization that put him on the map!

                                  He was cute, a little pudgy, but very real.  Nothing overly theatricalized about him, even in period films, like "Pollyanna," and "Swiss Family Robinson."  "Toby Tyler," too!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Everyone, of course, talks about Kevin's performance in "Old Yeller!"  I have to confess I have never seen that, and you think I am going to put myself through that kind of torture?????  The way I love our neighborhood dog, Cujo, whom I don't even own?????????  Not on your life!!!!!!!!!

                                  I have seen enough of Kevin's work to judge his artistry.  To those of us who were children at the time, he was a contemporary we could relate to.

                                 It is truly sad, to reach the point, which you think will never come, when your friends, real and imagined, pass away.  So, it is with Kevin Corcoran!  (Though his sister, Noreen, who played "Niece Kelly with John Forsythe on "Bachelor Father," is still alive,  at 71!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Rest In Peace, Moochie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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