Thursday, November 12, 2015

Belated Birthday Greetings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I know yesterday was Veteran's Day, girls, but I h ad lots of errands.  But it was also the birthday of that fabulous actor, and chef extraordinaire, Stanley Tucci!!!!!!!!!!  Now, tell me, how many of us looks so good at 55?????????  What is Stanley's secret, I would like to know, because he just improves with age, like fine wine.

                             He also has a role in the current film, "Spotlight," which I am anxious to see.  Wonder who cooked for Stanley on his birthday?  Or if he did it, himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             In any case, Happy Belated Birthday, Stanley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Continue!  to be as fabulous as you are!

                             My girls and I on here just love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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