Thursday, November 12, 2015

Now, Girls, Tell Me, Have You Seen An Uglier, More Arrogant Bitch Than This????????????

                               The lady in question is Dana Chandler, winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Dana was some cold customer; a narcissist, who only cared about owning her husband; forget about anyone else, including her two children!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                On July 7, 2002, after harassment and stalking, Dana drove to the home of her ex husband Mike Sisco, 47, and his fiancee and future wife, Karen Harknss, 53.  Chandler was only 42 when she did this crime, and she was 52 when given two life convictions, which she deserved. Even her own children, daughter Hailey, 17 at the time of the crime, and son Dustin, 15,  In their twenties, and young adults, a decade later, they denounced her for what she was--uncaring toward anyone but herself.

                                  I doubt if she even loved Mike. This was all about--"You left me, you are moving on, I am not, so I am going to take you back, even if I have to kill you to do it. You are not marrying Karen."

                                   Being a bitch is bad enough.  But couldn't she run some cream rinse, dye, and a comb through her hair????????  Some make-up????????  A wardrobe?????????? Sante Kimes and Jodi Arias always looked their best, in court, but Dana is just too plug ugly to care. Or maybe she thinks she is so great she does not need to do anything. Dana, hon, you are delusional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    When I saw Dana's story earlier this week, I knew I had found a perfect Bitch Of The Week.  Enjoy your prison time, Dana, because those looks sure are not going to improve!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I am sure the witches who were burned at least ran a comb through their hair!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Do you know her or something? She is convicted, so i believe she is guilty, but who are you to talk about her appearance? Get a life. The only post you ever got any replies to was the one where you posted rude and untrue comments about Detective Joe Kenda. Maybe you should try saying something nice.


  2. When there is something nice to say about someone I say it, darling!
    As for Kenda, again I do not question his competence.
    And plenty of people have said nice things, appreciating what I have posted
    on here.
    So either pay attention on here more closely, or get a life yourself, lamb chop!
