Monday, November 30, 2015

Bye, Bye, November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It has been quite a month, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   From All Saints Day to Thanksgiving!  From "An American In Paris," to "Gone With The Wind" on stage, plus Cujo,
Jacinta, and all the other happenings this month, it has been quite a November.  It figures my natal month would have a lot of drama.  I do not think I am a Drama Queen--not all the time, at least--but, believe me, I can attract it.

                                So, it has been some November.  A sweet November, but not like Sandy Dennis.

                                 And you know what month is coming next. The biggest month of all, at least in potential posts, what with what I have got planned, and the year end wrap ups.

                                   It was quite an eleventh month!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Here's to a happy rounding out of the twelfth month!

                                   See you in December, kids!



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