Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Get Ready For The Biggest Month Of All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Here we are in December, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!  How fast the year has flown.  With all that we know will happen, plus what I have especially planned, it is going to be some month.

                            Now, of course there is Christmas, New Year's Eve, parties, and more.  But this year, I am starting a new tradition.  That's right; I am going to continue the traditional Musical Advent Calendar, related to all things Christmas, with a counterpart one, related to all things Krampus!  That is right, Krampus, the lovable Christmas scamp who frowns upon bad boys and girls, so you had better be good, kiddies!!!!!!!!!  Besides, he is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           So, sit back, welcome the Holidays, and this Raving Queen's version of them.

                            Let's all enjoy December, dolls!

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