Monday, November 23, 2015

Carly Simon Opens Up About "You're So Vain".......Sort Of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            "You had me several years ago,
                                              When I was still quite naive.
                                              Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair,
                                              And that you would never leave.
                                              But you gave away the things you love,
                                              And one of them was me.
                                              I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee,
                                              Clouds in my coffee, and....."
                                                --You're So Vain," Carly Simon, November 1972

                                   First of all, darlings, can you believe that Carly Simon is 70??????????  I mean, how can such a thing be possible???????????   We should all look as good as Carly, at that age, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Hell, she's aged better than Warren Beatty, who is now 78.  Let's get to him.

                                     When "You're So Vain" first appeared on the charts, in November of 1972--my, God, I was still in high school!!!!!!!!!!--it became a hit, but also a mystery, and a mantra.  The mystery, of course, was who was the song about--and it came down to three people--Warren Beatty, Mick Jagger, and James Taylor.  Now, in the back up, particularly those high "You're so vain's......"  you can clearly hear Jagger.  I always favored Warren Beatty myself.

                                      In August of 2003, Dick Ebersol, then president of NBC Sports, was invited to dinner at Carly's Martha's Vineyard place--wouldn't we love to go  there, darlings???????--where Carly revealed the answer so many of us had been seeking.  She even  allowed him to give everyone a clue.  And the clue was this--"The letter E is in the person's name."

                                      Well, lambs, that includes the three men mentioned above.  But, before going there, let us get into the song as a mantra.  As it grew in popularity and durability over the years, becoming Carly's signature song, many of us, myself included, would use it as an emotional balm to get us through our own bad relationships.  Listen, it was cheaper than therapy.  I can recall a time, back in 2008, where I was blasting it out every morning, and belting it out myself.  And, yes, it did help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I have also wondered who that song would be about, if it were I who wrote it.  I had my  wild time, like Carly, but no one that important.  And you couldn't pay me to sleep with Warren Beatty!  Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Now, Carly has opened up about the song once more, claiming that my favorite verse, the one ending with "clouds in my coffee," is, indeed, about Warrren.  The other two verses supposedly involve other men, who remain anonymous, but let me tell you, hons--it is ALL Warren, and unless Carly calls me to have breakfast with her one morning at Sarabeth's, I am sticking to that.

                                         I mean, "the hat strategically dipped below one eye," the apricot scarf, the yacht, the Lear Jet--who else could it be???????????  Only Warren Beatty, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         "Son of a gun" dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And here is Carly, with the classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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