Sunday, November 22, 2015

"You Ought To Be In Pictures......" NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The recent episode should have been called the above, because the whole back story of The Countess was a metaphor for Lady Gaga's-- excuse me, that is Lady Gag Reflex!!!!!!!--career.

                                She plays some trollop from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, who comes out to Hollywood to try to make it.  Now, many Broolynites did make it--Barbara Stanwyck, Susan Hayward, and BARBRA--but you can tell right away Lady G is one step below Elizabeth Short in the acting department.  If your best movie shot is as an extra in a Valentino epic, you may be getting paid, dear, but you career is headed no farther than the casting couch.

                                Even with that menage a trois thing between Valentino and that woman who was with him?????  Was she supposed to be Nazimova????????  No, she is Natacha Rambova!!!!!!  Anyway, imagine Finn Wittrock as Valentino!!!!!!  He finally shows us he has some acting chops, aside from looking good in h is tightey whiteys!!!!!!!!!!!
But we love him, that way, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And, darlings, I just LOVE Peter Evans as Mr. March!!!!!!!!!  I could fall for him!  He is the most urbane, coolest sadist, this side of Cecil Beaton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He is such a bitch!  So, when Lady G meets up with him, it is hog heaven!  Or a match made in Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Poor Sarah Paulson got screwed out of another appearance, and Kathy Bates was reduced to lip service!  That spooky Lyric Lennon was running around, and I just loved the evil child, that little girl, named Wren.  I just related to Wren; she was so fun and ominous, you just HAVE to love her.  Hey, I guess my brain waves process all this stuff differently, from the rest of the populace!

                                   I just LOVE the idea of Valentino being made a vampire, or an undead thing, by F.W. Murnau, director of the film masterwork "Nosferatu."  Too bad he cannot make an actress out of Lady Gag Reflex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And to think that, this year, someone really stole Murnau's skull from his grave!!!!! Bet someone is negotiating with Ryan Murphy for a huge payment for it to be a guest on the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Because that is the problem, darlings!  Too much blood, and not enough acting!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But there is always hope for next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. In reading various iMDB commentaries on this episode, I came across a reference to an obscure, related movie. Back in 2000, the film "Shadow Of The Vampire" posited that F.W. Murnau made a deal with the literal devil. The notion is Max Schreck was an actual vampire, so ancient he no longer remembers his original identity, who Murnau discovers and persuades to star in his film. I believe Wilem Dafoe played Murnau and John Malkovitch played Schreck. When the film was in theaters, I intended to see it, but it disappeared rather quickly and was soon forgotten. Now that I've been reminded, I really need to track it down on video.


  2. I did see this, when it first came out! I highly recommend it!
