Monday, November 23, 2015

Confessions Of A Bubble Wrap Addict!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now, you all know how much I love Madame Defarge.  The thought of pearl knitting as heads roll has always been a favorite idea with me, but I have to be honest, I do not have her knitting skill. Never mind we are no longer in the French Revolutionary period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               However, recently I have discovered something I have been doing for years now gives me the same satisfaction as Madame Defarge.  And that is popping bubble wrap.

                                I prefer the small kind, because it can be held delicately between the fingers, making me feel like I am Madame Defarge knitting.  As I pop the bubbles, they sound like miniature bullets, which is somewhat satisfying, too.  Who would have thought such idiocy could be so satisfying!

                                 It seems today is the Age Of Addictions.  Everyone is addicted to something.  Give me a cup of coffee to inject caffeine into my bloodstream, and seat me beside a window, with a role of small bubbled bubble wrap, that I can hold, and knit, by popping, like Madame Defarge, and I am on a rainbow high, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, it is pure Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte.  I can feel like Lucy Snow.!!!!!!!!!!

                                  So, if any of you out hthere are pondering Christmas gifts for me, let me say, right now, a nice roll of bubble wrap would do me just fine!

                                    Pop goes the bubble, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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