Monday, November 23, 2015

Who Would Have Thought It Was About A Woman Finding Fulfillment Being A Fag Hag?????????????????

                              Yesterday, my beloved and I, as my birthday gift, went to see Christopher Wheeldon (who directed and choreographed!!!!!!!!) stunning re- imagining of the classic MGM musical, "An American In Paris,"

                               Now, I have not really seen the entire film, since my teens.  And I think the only exposure I have had to it, in recent times, has been watching the centerpiece, climactic ballet number of the same name, featured in the 1974 documentary, "That's Entertainment!!!!!!!!!!"

                                I remember the film starring, of course, Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron, who danced the hell out of the musical numbers.  There was Nina Foch as a glamorous patron of the arts, looking only as glamorous as Nina Foch could, plus Oscar Levant as an aspiring musician, and someone named Georges Guetary, who played Henri Baurel.  The film was a simple excuse to incorporate music and dance surrounding some evergreen Gershwin works, most notably the instrumental piece that gives the film its name.  The film was visually gorgeous; a sumptuous confection.  It also, if viewed historically, could be seen as a "concept musical" film, which would evolve into artistry on Broadway by such masters as Jerome Robbins, and, especially, Michael Bennett.

                              This production is gorgeous; between the score, the dancing and Bob Crowley's production design, (both sets and costumes) with heavy reliance on the color blue, this show does that more for Paris, and that color, bringing audiences back to a romantic yearning for that city's elegance, at a time when it needs such so badly.  I can't say enough how oddly prescient it was to see this show, following the Paris attacks, and the moving address to them the cast gave at the show's end.

                               But who would have thought Lise, the Leslie Caron character, would have been an orphan hidden from the Nazis, because his parents knew hers; her  father having been their butler.  The dance ability she inherits from her mother.  Who thought Henri was some closet case, who comes out to Milo Davenport, played by Jill Paice, who does find fulfillment in being a fag hag?  Played by Max von Essen, Henri is the hottest musical figure to hit the stage since Jason Danieley.  As a gay character, he will do well on that market.

                               This is how the show has been re- imagined dramatically, giving it a resonance the film lacked, and, amazingly, keeping it in its own time, while bringing it up to ours.  It is skillfully rendered by all.  The whole thing plays like an extended ballet piece, and is at its best when Robert Fairchild, in the Gene Kelly role of Jerry Mulligan, and Leanne Cope, in the Leslie Caron role of Lise Dassin, are doing their exquisite pas de deuxs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It makes you want to dance and breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 If any Theater Queens have not seen this yet, they better.  I f there are some who don't, then what is the matter with you, anyway????????????   This is probably the most captivating show I have seen all year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Vive la France, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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