Saturday, November 14, 2015

Gigi Is Looking Good For The Killer On "Scream Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Well, it looks like I was wrong about Jamie Lee, darlings!!!!!!!!  But you have to hand it to her, the way she took on all three of those opponents, kicked the living bejesus out of them, and sent them crying on their way.  All of her training in the slasher classics her did that made her a Scream Queen must have paid off!  Good for you, Jamie!

                              But that Gigi, what a bitch!  Manipulating Grace and her dad, not to mention a lesbian affair with Dean Munsch; I am telling you, this is someone to keep your eyes on.  Now, how she is pulling it off is the question.  My guess is she is manipulating, and pulling off, that dumb sex pig jock Chad, getting him to do her bidding, as he would fit the Devil costume better than she.

                              Only four episodes left!  Thank God, because how much more plot can they squeeze through the strainer?  Which means I still could be wrong about Gigi, but the answer has to revealed , sometime!

                               Be with me, when it is, dolls, and we will dish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ryan Murphy clearly needs to be dosed with Adderall or something: he simply cannot pay sufficient attention to the THREE simultaneous TV series he's producing at once.

    "Scream Queens" delivers on nothing it promised, aside from the enjoyable (but attenuated) presence of Jamie Lee Curtis. Her eagerly awaited "Psycho" tribute was a huge letdown: remarkable attention to detail for the first 30 seconds, then it all went to Murphy hell. I mean, if it wasn't going to be a spectacular and cheeky way to kill off Curtis, then why bother doing the shower scene at all? Whats the point of copying just the first 30 seconds of her lathering up, and then jump cut to her being a fully-dressed Ninja Warrior? It was fun watching her vanquish the trio of killers, but this made absolutely no timeline sense and didn't "flow" from the Psycho bit in any cohesive way. Did she just teleport into her clothes closet and then the hallway during the split second it took the Devil to open the shower curtain? WTF???

    Since Curtis didn't die during this ep, all bets are off and I have no further interest in who the killers are or who survives. Gigi has been set up to die next week, which means she'll likely live, judging by past plot gimmicks. We already know Nick Jonas is one of the Devils, which is of no consequence because the kid can't act and he's been given zero backstory. Gigi participates and facilitates, which just leaves the second Devil to unmask. Nobody is left in the cast who could make that reveal the least bit intriguing: the kids are all bores, Jamie Lee or Olivier Hudson are too obvious (and old). Unless it turns out to be Goldie Hawn, I could care less. To think Hudson gave up his meaty role as the villain on "Nashville" for this garbage.

    "American Crime Story: OJ Simpson" is the show nobody asked for. It will be momentarily amusing to watch Sarah Paulson do her dead-on impersonation of Marsha Clark, but Travolta's Shapiro impersonation is straight out of Madame Tussaud's. Cuba Gooding and Nathan Lane should have known better altogether.

    AHS: Hotel is a smoldering trainwreck of missed connection and squandered opportunity. You know Ryan and Brad are hopelessly lost when they base a season on messy pseudo-vampires, after pledging repeatedly that they would NEVER do a season based on vampires. Given the lazy lousy interpretation we're seeing, they should have stuck to their guns. Mixing in the property-bound ghost angle from season one isn't doing the story any favors, either: its just a fruitless complication. And someone at Fox needs to fit Ryan with a choke leash, pronto: he needs to plan a season completely out and then STICK TO THE PLAN.

    This BS he's been pulling since season 3 of AHS, where he throws a perfectly good main plot out the window because HE gets bored (or he gets too swayed by idiots on Twitter) needs to STOP. Lady Gaga was originally planned out thru episode 8, when the vamps would be killed off and the story would shift completely to the other (better) Hotel characters. But oh, no: midway thru he decides he's in gay love with GaGa and that he'll be the queen who puts her back on top. So "Hotel" gets wrecked to prolong GaGa's visibility a few more weeks, cuz dumb Ryan thinks that will propel her thru to his ill-conceived "Gypsy" remake with GaGa, Travolta, and Streisand. What a dumbass: anyone with an ounce of gay brains knows Barbara moves at a snails pace, and this "Gypsy" won't get off the ground for at least two years. So why ruin "Hotel" with needlessly extended Vampire GaGa? Its not like "Gypsy" will be launched soon enough to benefit. Social media is running mostly AGAINST her AHS skills, anyway.


  2. Ryan Murphy is faast approaching the end of his career. And so is this franchise, if it does not improve!
