Monday, November 16, 2015

Why Wasn't The Last Episode Of "American Horror Story--Hotel" As Good As This Singular Image??????????????

                       Where the hell was Sarah Paulson?  And why give Finn Wittrock to Denis O'Hare's Liz Taylor, only to kill him off?  After all, he is the one who   looks best in white underwear.  Finn, I mean!!!!!!!

                         I have to say, at this point. darlings, I am sick of Lady Gag Reflex on this show.  That's right; that's what I am going to call her.  All the blood, sexualizing, and posturing has reduced a once promising franchise to a great big bore!  Like "Scream Queens," I have now to force myself to watch!

                           My only hope is that there may be something up with Chloe, Angela and the Countess.  I hope there is a showdown between she and one of these ladies.  Whenever Angela is on screen, she looks ready for a fight--and I hope she gives us one!  And poor Chloe seems to look regretful about what she did, so whom will she take that out on?  You better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I am still holding out for a surprise appearance from Jessica.  And I anxiously await the return of Lily!!!!!!!!  But this show better get on the ball if they want it to keep having an audience.  Hell, even if Holden killed the Countess, it would be an improvement!

                              The only horror here is what has been done to this show! And that truly scares me, dolls!!!!!!!!!!

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