Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy All Souls Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Today is the day we get our chance!

                               This day is known in some cultures as the "Day Of The Dead."  I find that horribly depressing, preferring "All Souls Day," as it salutes not only those who have gone before us, but those who are here, trying to make the best of their lives.  The latter has more hope and optimism.

                                 How should one recognize this day. Remember the gifts you were given that have gotten you to the place you are. Remember those gone before you who, when alive, helped get you there--parents, grandparents, other friends.  And, most of all, sounding Shakespearean, be true to yourself, and if someone reaches out to you for help, bestow it.

                                   I am just trying to get through this day the best way I can, while recalling everyone around me here, and in the Afterlife.

                                    All of us have souls, so there is our day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Salutations, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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