Monday, November 2, 2015

Honestly, Girls, I Am Telling You, If American High Schools At This Time, Had Had A "Future Criminals Of America" Club, She Would Have Been President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I am talking, of course, about Darlene Gillespie, here shown during her Mouseketter prime, the photo of which I just could not resist as it says so much about what Darlene is NOT today!

                                    But you have to wonder!!!!!!!!!!  Darlene was always known as "the nice one," but was she?  Were the seeds of felony already planted within her?

                                     Did she steal change from the other girl Mouseketeers?  Did she brutalize those sweet little innocents, Karen and Cubby.  Let me tell you, darlings, they were the ones  I wanted to be, because cute was all that it was about with Disney. Darlene never fooled me; I always knew there was something snooty about her, so when she turned out to be a career criminal in adulthood, I was not a bit surprised.

                                       You just have to love this photo!  Funny and phony at the same time!  Just like Darlene!

                                        Her poor sister, Gina. She goes from 'Baby Jane' to "Karen" on TV, to now being an attorney whose primary client is her sister, and keeping her out of jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      No wonder poor Gina looks so disgusted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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