Friday, November 6, 2015

Here Is Why Republicans Are So Dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This is Texas Congressman, Louie Gohmert.  He has this brilliant idea--he wants to take all the gays and put them on an island, to see if they survive.  Some might call this homophobic, and I would be the first to agree, but more than that I would call it stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             You want to know why, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It happened decades ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Gays have been fighting it out on an island for years. The island in question is called Manhattan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Sure, San Francisco has that little series of side streets called The Castro. But any gay worth anything knows New York is IT.  Anyone who read "Valley Of The Dolls" as a teenager (or younger, like me!!!!!!!!!) understands that.

                                  I would say gays have been escaping steadily to New York from suburban enclaves since at least the 1940s. And while, times, rights, and neighborhoods have changed, not all for the better, let me tell you something.  If all the gays up and left Manhattan, there would be nothing left but Cosco and K-Mart!!!!!!!!!!!  And how is a land mass the size of Manhattan going to exist on THAT?????????  Especially when Staten Island does, right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Broadway would vanish, and then forget it!  So, Mr. Gohmert, like most in your party, you are behind the times!  Speaking as a proud member of the gay community, I am here to say we claimed this island for our own, years before!  You don't even have to put up with us, just shut up!

                                      And stay off OUR turf, doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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