Friday, November 6, 2015

"School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Girls, I simply CANNOT believe Lily did not come back this week, after her brilliant turn as Aileen Wuornos, (whom everyone on this show keeps calling "Eileen;" can't Ryan Murphy afford to hire a dialect coach????????) but, rest assured, I have a feeling she will soon be back.  Just as I am sure Jessica Lange will make some kind of surprise appearance before the season is through.

                           But the school massacre was the highlight of the show.  I just LOVED it!  When I was young, there was a song called "Battle Hymn Of The Children."  It matched the melody of "Battle Hymn Of The Public," and went like this--

                                                         "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school.
                                                           We have tortured all the teachers, and we broke the Golden
                                                            We marched up into his office, and we shot the principal.
                                                             Our truth is marching on.

                                                              Glory, glory hallelujah!
                                                               I hit the teacher with a ruler.
                                                               I knocked her in the bean, with a rotten tangerine.
                                                               And her teeth came marching out!"

                                  Of course, this was all in good fun. Fantasy.  We never really would do anything like this.  But then Stephen King wrote the prom scene in "Carrie," and years later Columbine happened, so school revenge wasn't just a fun idea anymore.  It was a very real, scary, and wrenching thing.

                                    The sequence on the show made its point, but when those vampiric children got their hands on the teachers' blood, and drank it, I had to laugh!  Especially at that sweet little girl, and the sadistic look she gave the camera!  I LOVED it!  It gave me pause to think--just suppose I had drank the blood of Alice C. Santamarina??????????? Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!  I would be dead!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Poor Chloe!  She thinks she is going to be united with Holden, when what she is really going to be is a glorified governess. Will she teach the children "Do Re Mi?????????" Only time will tell.

                                      I just adored Denis O'Hare's back story on how he became Liz Taylor. Thank God he shed that Stepford community, hair style, and wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He is fine just right where he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Lady Gaga as Marie Antoinette was just too predictable!  Sure, she looked great, but couldn't they have her surrounded by cupcakes, bon  bons, and ice cream, like with Kirsten Dunst nine years before???????????????

                                         'Hotel' has its moments, but it is far from my favorite season of AHS.  I think it is the worst.  But that does not mean it is not interesting. Couldn't they just tone down the blood, and raise the acting bar a bit?   Poor Sarah didn't get much time this week!

                                           I still want to check in to the Hotel Cortez!  But only if I can sleep in Room 64!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My understanding is Lily Rabe filmed for two episodes, so she may indeed return later in the season (if only to tempt and torture Wes Bentley, who is clearly being set up as either a red herring (clever) or to be revealed as the Ten Commandments Killer (a bo-ring and predictable "twist").

    I did not care for the bloodbath at the school at all, because it was obviously shoehorned into what was originally written to be an intricate expository episode. It aggravated me no end to have Denis O'Hare and Kathy Bates stories interrupted by a half dozen kiddies taking down an entire school in one morning. Over-the-top bloodletting, which has been done so often this season it stopped being shocking by the second episode and is now just annoyingly stupid. The blood isn't scary or shocking, Ryan: knock it the hell off already. Pushing the limits works if you have a point, but is beyond dull when you don't.

    Also, the school slaughter officially blew what little there was of a plotline completely to hell. The main story seemed headed toward a showdown between Lady GaGa and the denizens of her hotel, instigated by Angela Bassett, with the side story being Wes Bentley's descent into madness (propelled by Mr. March, Sarah Paulson, and Addiction Demon). The school digression throws a wrench into everything they've set up regarding the "rules" of this season. We've been shown in flashbacks that the Countess ruthlessly forbids secondary spawning of vampires, that she has a 'sixth sense" that notifies her any time this occurs. After more than a century of diligence, are we now to believe she completely missed the signals emanating from the school and failed to intervene? And since when do the (unknowingly) infected immediately understand they need to drink blood, and grasp the mechanics of selectively passing the infection on to others? I know you have a soft spot for demonic children, RQ, but this scene really did not fit in with the established plot, and I don't want to waste time on yet more brats (Holden and his cohorts are more than enough).

    This is typical Ryan Murphy story derailment: halfway in, he's suddenly decided the Countess is a moron who won't catch wise to Chloe's screwup until the end of the series. Merely so he can endlessly repeat the "oh so edgy" spectacle of the school children going home to rip their parents' throats out. Newsflash, Ryan: that was the fundamental plot device in Gullermo Del Toro's egregious "The Strain" vampire show, which has been running on THE SAME CHANNEL as AHS for two years now. Stop being so damned lazy and step up your game.

    I'd say Ryan is overdue for an unsupervised session with Addiction Demon, but he'd probably enjoy that. Better we should lock him in the basement with Vivien's eternally crying ghost baby from season one. A few days of that, and maybe he'll cut the crap.


  3. I hope Lily makes an appearance too. If you noticed, someoen commented, then deleted. I think I know who that was, and why. I will tell you in person!
