Thursday, November 5, 2015

Last Night's 'SVU' Was Almost As Wrenching As "American Horror Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 The second program was, at least fun, in a perverse sort of way.  "Patrimonial Burden," the episode aired last night, gave the Duggar case the 'SVU' treatment.  The Dugggars, that idiotic family from Arkansas, who parlayed their having nineteen kids into a reality show that was torn apart by scandal, were truly raked over the coals, here.  The real thing I want to know about the Duggars is how does Daddy still keep it hard after 19 kids, and how can the mother still have a vagina/uterus, because, by now, the thing should be dropping to the ground, and she should be dragging it around with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The Duggars were rechristened the Bakers, with only ten children, so that, with two parents, the show could be entitled "A Bakers' Dozen." Cute, huh???????  The parents were superbly played, on both sides of the spectrum by Christopher Sieber and Geneva Carr.  The other great performance came from Ryan Devlin as Pastor Elden, the family's attorney and spiritual adviser.  I was on to him, from the start. All that small town hypocrisy, his Daddy the senior pastor, looking the other better believe it!

                                At first I hated the Bakers, with their TV show and disjointed, psychotic religious beliefs.  Their agenda is not God, but themselves.

                                 When daughter Lane turns up three months pregnant,  and daughter Summer's was covered up, the framing is fast and furious. First, the show's cameraman, (Chris Elliot, in an effectively creepy performance; why don't we see more of this talented actor?) whom Lane pins it on, then I began suspecting Daddy, but when the DNA came back as non-familial, I knew it had to be the Pastor, whose smuttiness made me suspect him right away.

                                   The scene where they just about stop the wedding of he and Lane was sick. Forget the obvious;  how could a man in his mid-thirties marry a thirteen-year-old? What would he say to his friends--"We can't go to your party; my wife has to study her algebra?"  Come on!!!!!!!!!!!  I was furious with the Bakers who were allowing this to go through, until they saw the truth, and boy, then did Mrs. Baker, Pam, the marvelous Geneva Carr, turn on Ryan Devlin as Pastor Eldin!  You should have smacked him across the face!  I thought Olivia and Rollins were about to!

                                     This episode showed up everyone, including people like the Duggars, but good!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The Salem Witch trials had better intentions than what was portrayed here!

                                        And get with the program, Olivia!!!!!!!!  Lighten up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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