Thursday, November 5, 2015

Jennifer Bailey Is One Cold Hearted Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      When Simon Oakland, as the psychiatrist, felt the need to explain things, especially to the audience, in Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho," he delivered a line that went something like this--"Matricide is perhaps the most heinous of crimes.  Especially heinous to the son who commits it."

                                         Well, let's take that statement, and substitute "children" for son.  Because, on September 26, 2008, Jennifer Bailey, who was all of sixteen, her sicko boyfriend, Paul Henson,  the same age,and her younger brother, David, all of 14, at the time, plotted and carried out the murder of Jennifer and David's mother, 43-year-old Susan Bailey, of Roanoke, Texas.

                                           I knew this case, from having seen it on another program.  At that time, I doubted how much of a participant baby brother, David was in this; or that he was coerced by his sister and boyfriend, to take part. But it was clear from the program "Let's Kill Mother," that not only had I found, in Jennifer, the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award,  but that I had to reluctantly accept that young David had been an active participant.

                                          Paul got sixty years in prison, as did Jennifer, but David, being a minor, was charged as a juvenile, so will be the only one to lead a normal life.  Jennifer is the one to watch out, for, dolls; when questioned about her motive, all she said was  "We (she and her mother) did not see eye to eye."  And this was a single woman who was working to jobs to give her children the best she could for them.  Have you ever heard anything so cold, darlings????????  Even her face depicts evil; this is one chick you do not want to meet up with.

                                           It is my belief, that, without Jennifer, Susan would not have been murdered.  Paul and David would not have had it in them to do it on their own.  They needed this cold bitch!

                                            What made her this way?  Or is evil, just evil???????????????

                                             After the murder, the trio got in Paul's car, and tried to flee to Canada!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it!  They did not get very far--one of the Dakotas, I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, Jennifer has plenty of time to think!  But you know something?  I bet she does not regret it one bit, to this day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 The bitch is right where she belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just learned of this. This evil bitch should have received life without parole for killing her mother. WTH is wrong with her? This miserable and ugly thing should never get out. Although I believe in 2nd changes for minors, when their acts are this treacherous and heinous, I do not believe that they can be rehabilitated. I think that she is a natural born killer. I would like to learn about her father. I think that there may be something in her heredity that may help authorities understand what is going wrong with her. Anyhow I like researching stuff like this. lol Thanks for a good blog.

    1. Yes. Please do your research bc none of his info is right. None


  2. D. Harris,
    Glad you like the blog.
    I too love researching stuff
    like this, as you can see.

    I agree with you Jennifer
    is a danger to society
    and should not get up.

    If one is a juvenile psycho/socio path,
    it does not go away.

  3. Replies
    1. She got 60 years. Where TF do u ppl get ur info. Sentenced to 60 . Mandatory to serve 30 before parole considered. Which she prob wont get.


  4. Thirty years? Really?
    Perhaps I misheard, or the program
    was ill informed. At any rate,
    she should have gotten LWOP. To
    have this bitch on the street
    is dangerous.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. You have several FACTS wrong! Why write a blog about a case you don't even have all facts? I worked with Susan Bailey at 2 jobs by the way! She was a good friend of mine.

    1. Thank you! All this bs is insane. Only thing they got right was the names. Im sorry for ur loss. I cannot imagine the pain, fear and sadness she felt knowing her flesh and blood was doing this to her.

  6. Roanoke,TEXAS...they took Susan's car and Jennifer got 60 years. She can't serve less than 30 IF they approve parole. Not so easy in Texas.


  7. Unknown,

    Sorry for your loss. As I said,
    if not for her daughter masterminding,
    Susan might not have been murdered.

    When I heard Roanoke, I instantly
    thought Virginia. Maybe I did
    not hear Texas, or was half
    asleep. This program airs late at night.

    1. This is my point. Half asleep. It was in Texas. And they were arrested in South Dakota in Susan's Ford car.. With the family dog. The cat had been killed a cpl weeks prior to murder .. David had killed his family cat down the street at the park. They lived in a neighborhood that was full of million dollar homes. She gave them an amAzing life and it wasnt good enough. The son had shown crazy outbursts of anger while visiting his maternal grandparents in Minnesota. So he isnt as innocent as you'd like to believe. They all planned this for an extended period of time, with another girk named Merilee who also lived in s million dollar neighborhood. Her mother had woke up to catch her standing above her w butchee knife demanding car keys and money. She was arrested before Susans murder. She was a part of the plan as she was in a romantic relationship with Jennifer and Paul. They were a 3 some. He had them believing they were all destined to be together and had been together in previous lives. He is the mastermind here. Him & Jennifer. Had they not met.... Susan would be alive. Just to add, susans ex husband went and got her car after police released it and also signed papers to relinquish ownership to the family dog that police had taken to the pound the night the trio was arrested and the dog was eventually put down. So he is another victim in this awful crime. Ginger was dogs name. This is hard for people to understand but both of her kids had 100% responsibility in her murder. They had time to back out. David is the one who went to walmart and bought all the cleaning solution at least 6 hours prior to the murder. Thiz was very premeditated. They all deserve to rot including David.


  8. Laura(again)--

    I agree Paul got what he deserved.
    His freaky behavior was unhealthy for
    male-female relations.

    1. None of it would have happened if it wasn't for paul


  9. Tiffany,
    I agree with Paul out of
    the picture, it would not
    have happened. I am not
    sure where David was sent--
    probably a juvie reformatory,
    but I think he got a Life
    sentence, meaning he would
    transfer to an adult facility.
    I could be wrong, so let me know!

    Thanks for your comments!

    1. David could not be sentenced to life bc he was a juvenile. He will be out after approx 10 years. If he isnt out already. Juvenile can usually only hold until the age of 21.

  10. Please check your facts before you make posts. First off Jennifer was only a week or 2 from turning 18. And it WAS NOT Paul's car. He didnt have a lisence. They stole Susans car after they killed her.

  11. Your facts aren’t even right.
    The neighborhood wasn’t filled with million dollar homes, it was the parks of Roanoke. I have grown up with them, gone to school with them all the way until the murder! Living a street behind them.

  12. Takeitoff,
    You know, I reread my post,
    and I never said anything about
    the neighborhood having million
    dollar homes. If anything, it
    was pretty much opposite that.

  13. Frankly, I'm appalled at how many people on here (not just the author) have pulled partial information and mashed it together with complete bullshit. I was Jennifer's best friend from fifth grade until about a year prior to this horrible event and I lived five houses down in the Parks of Roanoke neighborhood. I was beyond lucky that our friendship and association ended before this and even then I remember being questioned by police and shutting the door in media buzzard faces for weeks after. I've kept my silence for over ten years and listened to the shows and articles who are lucky to get half the facts straight. While I will never defend them for their actions, I refuse to paint the black and white picture that helps assholes on the internet make crazed accusations about folks they only know about from a single, terrible TV show.

    Here are what I think are the important highlights:

    1. The neighborhood is a nice one, middle-class, but certainly not anywhere near the million dollar mark, even in the peak of the Texas house market a year or so ago. My mom still lives in the house I grew up in and would be able to sell for $350-400k max.

    2. Jennifer was 17, almost 18, and David was 13. Paul was 16. Friends (and enemies) warned Jennifer that Paul scared them and to stay away, but since when do teens listen to common sense? So of course her mom's opinions about him weren't going to mattter one bit.

    3. Yes, Jennifer and David has some outbursts and some minor violent outbursts. But newsflash that folks didn't know and that I was unfortunate enough to witness first hand... their mother was an abusive bitch! I'm not ever going to say that her actions justified what happened. There is no excuse. But Susan Bailey was not some poor hapless woman who only ever tried to take care of her kids. I saw her throw books at them, invited them to my house for dinner after school when they didn't even have bread at home to eat. There was a reason that their father divorced Susan. I'll be honest, when I came home at the end of the weekend from visiting my father and saw yellow police tape and news vans around the Bailey house I immediately thought one thing: Susan killed them, one or both of her kids are dead. This story could have turned out very, very differently just as easily.

    4. Susan worked 2 jobs, it's true. But she worked those jobs and took nearly every dime Jennifer made at her part-time job too. She essentially trapped Jennifer and David in that home. Jennifer had been accepted to college but she didn't have the money to actually attend! She couldn't even get a car of her own because her mom needed to keep her thumb on her kids. On that note, Paul was not the first boyfriend to be banned from the Bailey house. It had nothing to do with him personally and everything to do with thte threat he presented to Susan's control over Jennifer.

    5. I'm not a psychologist... but I know how abuse works. Been there, fought back, survived that. And it was very likely that Susan Bailey created her own demons so to speak. It was her abuse and overbearing need to dominate her kids that left Jennifer and David vulnerable to poor judgement and even worse company. It was her own brand of fucked up that set the pattern for her kids to make the worst, most desperate decision of their lives.

    In short, shut up about shit you don't know.


  14. Jessica N,

    First of all, darling, don't down talk me,
    as in your parting remark. I do agree you
    were very lucky not to get mixed up in it
    all; sometimes friendships do end for the

    What was most interesting to me was your
    depiction of Susan. I agree her
    abusiveness did not justify homicide, but
    its presence lends an added and interesting
    layer to the outcome.

    I am aware abuse is cyclical, and I am sorry
    for what you went through. I just write
    what I see

    But don't try to "Karen" me, doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
