Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November Is National Blog Post Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            With my blogging becoming as much an addiction as pleasure and career advancement, the notion of thirty posts in thirty days is just ridiculous to me, because, even in my worst months, I do better than that.

                              Anyway, this is just a quick general post, to remind my girls of the above, and to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, as I will be off here for the next few days.

                                 Yesterday, I was running all over the city, trying to feel like I was Cate Blanchett in "Carol," but without that camel coat and Fifties get up, how could I possibly pull that off??????  Looks like, when this film comes out, and we all see it, lots of  us will be re-evaluating our closets.  For those who may be still stuck in one, what the hell is the matter with you, anyway?????????

                                   I think that was Richard Speck's problem, as I will report, when I return on last night's episode of "A Crime Top Remember," covering the famous 1966 murder of eight nurses in Chicago.  I have plenty to say on that one, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And no "American Horror Story--Hotel" this week.  And, ironically, Thanksgiving is the only Thursday where I do not do my Bitch Of The Week column.  But that does not mean the bitches are not out there.

                                     So, have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving, everyone!!!!!!!!!  Remember to look your best, like "Carol," and behave yourselves, because of "Krampus!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       This Holiday Season should be a laugh riot, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  See you soon!

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