Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Where Does One Go, After Seeing An Allegedly Catholic Movie?????????? Why, A Kosher Restaurant, Of Course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I had forgotten to write about the wonderful discovery that is the B and H restaurant, in the East Village.  My beloved and I, plus our friends Judy and Auntie Alvin, went to it after we saw the film "Spotlight."  How is that for secularity, darlings??????????????????

                            Remember my post--or posts, maybe--on Christine Pedi as Liza trying to save the Edison Cafe????????  Well, in a sense, that place has been save, as the cuisine down here, on Second Avenue, almost matches, in taste and selection, that much more spacious uptown establishment.

                             Space is at a premium here; it is so narrow inside the obese, to paraphrase Shirley Jackson, do not walk alone.  We had to sit at the counter, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine it????????  ME, The Raving Queen, sitting at a COUNTER?????????  I only do that, when I am trying to get discovered, like Lana Turner.  And, believe me, good as the food and service are here, this is not the place for that!!!!!!!!!!

                                I finally had my kasha varnishkes, and I just LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!  With mushroom gravy, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I felt so Jewish coming out of there, I was ready to do a Streisand concert.  But  the seriousness of the film we just saw was still with me.

                                 So, for those who miss the Edison, rest assured, a reasonable facsimile is still in operation on Second Avenue, in the East Village.  When your taste buds run to Kosher dairy, seek B and H out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And NO, darlings, it does not stand for Bondage And Humiliation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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