Wednesday, November 18, 2015

This Commercial Is An Insult To New Yorkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I would like to know what the hell kind of advertising staff Geico has!  They have never created any ads that I liked.  Many may think that lizard cute, but I always found him damned annoying.  Then there is that disgusting Peter Pan commercial, which should be banned from the airwaves.

                              But their latest lizard commercial, which pokes fun at New Yorkers, most of whom live in small apartments, is insulting.  At first, the place looks kind of cute--well decorated, a Manhattan view; hey the lizard has gone New York.  Then the door knocks, and we find ourselves in a miniaturized world, straight out of "Alice In Wonderland," where the apartment is lizard sized, and the deliveryman puts the human sized packages of a Chinese food order, in the living room, filling up the entire space.  Only his hands and face are seen, as he, by comparison, is a giant.

                              The ad then ends with the lizard making some pithy comment about New Yorkers living in small apartments.

                                Where the hell are you living, Geico staff?????????  In Hollywood mansions??????  At Tara????????  I doubt it!  And if this is the best you can come up with, no wonder the commercials change so much, because your product does not sell, because nothing you can come up with works!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The problem is, you are clueless when it comes to grasping this!

                                   I have no wishes for any company to go under; however I do think a new staff is in order.  Hell, I am sure I could come up with something better; I do, each day, just by writing this blog!

                                   This is my birthday, and I want to relax, not get to worked up, so here is a final message to Geico, on behalf of those living in New York, and  myself--

                                    FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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