Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Here Is Where I Want To Spend My Day......In Loveland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               "Loveland...where everybody loves to live"
                                                   --Stephen Sondheim, "Follies"

                            With all this pink, isn't it just so me, darlings????????  Let me tell you something about turning 61; with 60, you can fudge it if you want to, kid yourself, saying "I'm not in my Sixties--yet!!!!!!!!!!!
But, once you get into the numbers, there is just no denying.  Now, I never played this game with myself; whenever I reached a zero year, I accepted the newness of that decade.  But, now that I turn 61 today, I cannot play that game, even if I wanted to.

                             The scary thing is how closer I am getting to the age when my mother passed away--64.  Of course, she had lung cancer--big time!!!!!!!--and, hopefully, that will elude me.  That number figures in a John Lennon song, so I hope I am around three years later, to post that song on here.

                              As for today, once I finish writing, it is a day of relaxation--reading, visiting the dogs in the neighborhood, opening cards, (Birthday Party Barbie is once again out, for the next 30 days!!!!!!!!) and, later, meeting my beloved David, and having a birthday dinner, at our favorite place--Chadwick's.

                              All of which is my version of Loveland.  Now, I want to leave you all with a song, for all of us on this day, but not "Loveland from "Follies."   Here is the one and only Jessie Mueller, singing "Beautiful," from the show that won her that much deserved TON Y Award.  Go, Jessie, and everyone today, think about what this song says!

                               Another year, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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