Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Today Is A Special Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Yes, darlings, today is my natal day, but before we get into that, it is important to acknowledge the 10th Anniversary of Ramsey, seated center.

                          The story goes like this.  For twenty two years, my good friend , Betty, a children's librarian, and her sister, Mary Jane, who worked in the tickets office at the New York Philharmonic, were famous for their Annual Christmas Cookie Party, held the last Saturday of every year.  The food was luscious, and so was the company.  Both sisters loved to entertain; on Thanksgiving they would host a dinner for those of us on our own, and I recall watching several TONY Awards and other programs in attendance at Betty's.

                          Her place was as comfortable and homey, as a Manhattan apartment could be.  Not right wing, like Cracker Barrel, but comfy.  She had plenty of books, knick knacks, and stuffed animals.  Ramsey,  a stuffed ram, was my favorite,.  He and I would just take to each other; he was plush, soft, cuddly and loving, and I would caress him, and hold him whenever I would visit Betty's.  It was a given I was visiting Ramsey (my name for him) too.

                         The year of 2004, Betty was not feeling well.  She thought of cancelling the party, but did not want to disappoint everyone.  So, she had it, but I could tell she was not up to her usual self.  I recall saying goodbye; my last glimpse of her was hanging out the door, smiling and waving, as a group of us got onto the elevator.

                            It was my last glimpse of Betty.  Because, on January 19, 2005, she died.  Of what is not certain, though heart failure was the favored diagnosis.  What was strange was Betty awoke that morning, not feeling well.  Mary Jane was sleeping in the living room, and  Betty told her, she thought she should go to the hospital..  Betty sat down in the living room chair, and when Mary Jane was finally ready to go, she discovered that Betty had...gone.  In the same chair, years before, that their father, visiting from Ohio, had passed away.

                           We were all saddened by Betty's death.  There was even a memorial service in our auditorium at work, where I spoke.  Did I sing?  I cannot recall,.

                            Months went by, and around early November, I got a call from Mary Jane, saying she wanted to have lunch with me, as she had something to give me.  As it turned out the day that best worked out was November 18, ten years ago today, which was my 51st birthday.  I met Mary Jane, and her husband, Byron, at Old John's Luncheonette.  We ate and talked, and then Mary Jane handed me a bag, with something in it.  This is what she wanted to give me.  I pulled the wrappings out of the bag, and there was Ramsey.  I was shocked; I did not expect this.  I looked at Mary Jane, and asked, "Are you sure?"  She replied, "Betty would have wanted you to have him."  I hugged Ramsey, and cried, just as I am now doing, writing this today.

                            Ramsey became an important part of my house, and life, and when I met David, and our homes blended, he became an important part of ours.  And he still is.  We had a celebration for him in October, because the group we would invite had planned on a luncheon with us out in our neighborhood, back then, so we just made it a party, with everyone coming back to the apartment for cake and coffee, in honor of Ramsey.

                             And, as it turned out, in honor of Betty and Mary Jane.  Because, earlier this year, in April, Mary Jane left us.  She lived slightly more than ten years than her sister, Betty, and now, I am convinced, the sisters are together, chatting, going to cultural events, doing what they did in this life.

                             May they rest in peace.  I miss them both.

                             But thanks to them, we have Ramsey to love.  So, today is his tenth anniversary with me--and with us!

                              Happy Anniversary, Ramsey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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