Friday, December 18, 2015

Merry Christmas, From Mrs. Voorhees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Now, girls, "Friday The 13th" may not be a Christmas movie, but Mrs. Voorhees is just so happy to see Baby Jason under the tree. And, had things not happened the way they did, with that slut, Claudette,. Baby Jason would still be under the tree, at 35, which is how Mrs. Voorhees wanted it.

                       Kind of like her morphing into Ruth Roman, as Mrs. Wadsworth, in "The Baby," except Mrs. was a lot more sexy.  After all, Betsy Palmer was The Girl Next Door, and Mrs. Voorhees was so wholesome, how could anyone think evil of her!  It was that slut, Claudette, who was evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         So, a Merry Christmas to all, from Mrs. Voorhees.  In her immortal words--

                          "I'M not afraid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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