Friday, December 18, 2015

Was Marie Callender Actually For Real, Or What????????????????????????

                                     According to legend, Marie Callender, who only lived from 1907 until 1955, meaning she died at 48, not looking good, was some toadie Granny from South Dakota--the Midwest; where else??????--who sold pies that were sold to a food chain. But, as I said, this is legend.

                                      It may have, in fact, been true. at one time. But now, Marie Callender, whose ads I see all the time on TV, I am convinced is some New York fag foodie, holed up in his Long Island City apartment, who cooks this way, and, in trying to imitate Julie Powell, is trading in on Marie and her name.

                                       I mean, have you seen the scene where the pies, especially the fruit ones, are layered?  Nobody does that, anymore?  Only some fag foodie would know about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope he is cuter looking, than Marie's mug shot.

                                         I am not saying a woman named Marie Callender, who cooked, did not exist at one time. But that is not what exists today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Another "F" industry gays have taken over--first fashion, and now food.

                                           You know the last, girls--but they have been patenting that for years!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Jesus look at her picture she was 48 years old?was she also cooking up some meth in her kitchen aswell 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Rickyrick,

    I wouldn't be at all surprised!
