Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Movie Highlight Of My Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           After all the bitching I did, this year and last, about not seeing this classic on the big screen during its 75th Anniversary, when, along with "The Wizard Of Oz," (which I still have not seen on the screen yet this year or last!!!!!!!!) it was virtually ignored, I got to see "Gone With the Wind"--and with someone I love --at the Film Forum on November 29, 2015.

                            Would the film hold up?  Having seen it more than three dozen times, and, with advancing age, and the demise of revival screenings, I had to face that this might be my last viewing of it, as I refuse to see it anywhere but on the screen.

                               Well, dolls, it holds up beautifully.  I am not sure the audience we saw it with understood it, but it worked its magic on me once again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And made me yearn for a more gracious way of living!!!!!!!  Oh, honeys!!!!!!!!!!!!

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