Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Movie Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, girls, I know some of you are going to be disappointed.  After all, I wanted "Carol" as much as you did.  In fact when the New York Film Critics chosen it Best Picture, I had not seen it yet, but thought it was a done deal.

                               But, hons, "Carol" just did not cut it.  It had so many things right, yet something went wrong.  See it for the visuals, and Sarah Pauslon, then go ut and restock your closet, and live your fashion and social fantasies.  Just like I do!!!!!!!!!!!

                                However, "Spotlight" is the Film Of The Year!

                               And not because I am some catholic grinding my ax in glee over exposed pedophile priests.  I, for one, was never abused, so I never had any ax to grind.  And the film is as much a fascinating study of investigative journalism as it is of the issue at hand.  Which is one reason why it works.

                               The other is the film's cast.  Who knew Rachel McAdams could act???????  And what a male ensemble--how often do we get those??????????  With every performer giving an award caliber performance, "Spotlight" will be the film hardest to dole out the acting prizes, come Oscar time.

                                And it is as compelling as a fast breaking news story, and moves at the speed of news being printed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Sorry, "Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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