Monday, January 11, 2016

"Like Sand Through The Hour Glass, So Are The Days Of Our Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          Not to worry; I am not going all MacDonald Carey on you, or even soap opera-ish.  Rather, I want to wax philosophical for a moment, with an exploration into my past.

                            During my formative years, from birth into my twenties, my parents were very close friends with a couple known as Edna And Jimmy.  They lived in South Plainfield, NJ; I can still picture their house, inside and out.  Their youngest child, a son, Marc (a c," not a "k" one!!!!!!!) and I were born three weeks apart--I was older--meaning our mothers were virtually pregnant at the same time.
                              They were also nurses, having been in the same nursing class, and worked at the same hospital, Muhlenberg, in Plainfield,  when it existed.  Marc and I were both born there, and grew up together.  We were very different, but we got along.  Marc had a fantastic vinyl collection, as did I; where I collected Broadway shows, he had every album made by The Beatles and The Beach Boys.  I can still see us sitting in his room, listening to that music.

                              But time took its toll.  My mother passed, in 1979, I moved to New York in 1983, and so I lost touch with Marc. The last time I saw him was at his mother' s funeral, in 1989, virtually a decade since my mother's death. Aunt Edna was like a second mother to me, so her death was wrenching also.

                                To this day, whenever the Fourth Of July, and New Years Eve roll around, I think of these people, because this is where my parents and I would go, each year. And some of me misses that.

                                   I have been thinking about Marc a lot lately, in the wake of the passing of my friend, David L. Riley.  I was told, when I was young, that people would drift in and out of my life, but I never gave it much thought, when young, but  do now.  As I come to terms with David's passing, I began to think about Marc--is he still alive? How is he? What is he doing?

                                   So, I set out to to do some research.  What I discovered was I think the person known as my childhood friend is now living in Windsor, CT.  Which is where his eldest sister, Gayle, lives, with her husband and family.  I wonder about the transition of Marc from Plainfied/South Plainfield to there. The last I was aware of him, he was living in the area--a brother, James Jr,, was nearby in Woodbridge--and working as a night watchman at one of the industrial factory places in the area.

                                     I think of Marc with nostalgia and concern. He was different in so many ways, and did not get the help he needed, as it was not available. Marc, as a kid, was what today might be termed "Special Needs," and when we grew up, there was no place for that, outside of a mental institution. And Marc was functional; he was just not on the college path.  But he also had health and weight issues, when young, which makes me wonder how he is doing now.

                                       So, I am sending this out into the blogspehre. Marc, or anyone who knows  him, if you read this, and look at my picture, you will, I think, know exactly who I am.  As time stretches out to where we are at a point I never thought to be, when young, I would like to know, Marc, how you are doing.

                                         And know that I miss you, your folks and those Fourth Of July's  SO much!!!!!!!!!!!

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