Monday, January 11, 2016

This Is What You Do, When You're Catholic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                When it comes to Catholicism In Film, darlings, the standard template is "The Song Of Bernadette;" that is strictly Catholicism 101!!!!!!!!!!  But, while watching "Moonstruck" the other night, I forgot this scene, which demonstrates that Catholics wrap themselves up, go to church, even Confession, and say their Rosary, or as I prefer calling it, "telling their beads."

                                   But, wait!  As I watched this scene, I wondered, just how Catholic is Loretta?  I mean, she goes to Confession, and she is given a stiff penance--2 Rosaries.  Now, depending how slow or fast one prays, doing this could take as long as 2 hours. Kneeling in a pew.So that is a pretty heavy penance.

                                   Remember, Loretta has slept with the brother of her fiance.  Now, she meets her mother, Rose, (the wonderful Olympia Dukakis) who is praying for the situation she faces--her longtime husband, Cosmo (Vincent Gardenia) is stepping out on her, though she does not know with whom.

                                   Loretta and Rose talk, then Loretta abruptly leaves, saying she won't be home for dinner!  Rose stays, and prays!

                                     But Loretta! What happened to that penance you were supposed to do?  Just a few beads, and then up and walk out of the church.

                                       I know Italian Catholics take a lighter approach than the Irish, God, do I know!!!!!!!!!!!  But, Loretta should have remembered her manners, before dashing out.

                                        I mean,when I have prayer business to do in church, I do it to completion, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Maybe Loretta needs to see "The Song Of Bernadette."

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